Dedicated Coaching for Your Team

Doc Roc would work with you to determine your team’s level of development and what your team members need individually and collectively to tackle your current leadership challenges. The combination of expert thought leadership, facilitated team dialogue, and structured process is customized for your next breakthrough.

Here is everything you get when you engage Doc Roc for team coaching:

Toolkit Customized for Your Challenges

Each session, Doc Roc presents you with actionable tools your team can take back to the workplace and start applying immediately. This research-based proprietary kit includes:

  • Self-awareness tools and assessments

  • Organizational assessments

  • Team insight tools

  • Frameworks for reframing and tackling your challenges differently

Action Planning

The real test of a learning effort is in the knowledge you gain, the skills you develop, and the results you achieve.

Having a solid action plan is essential for reaching these goals and staying focused on the reasons you joined the group in the first place.

Each session features dedicated time for your team to engage in action planning, progress reporting, and feedback.

Fishbowl One-on-One Mentoring

In each cohort meeting, Doc Roc conducts a one-on-one mentoring session with a team member on a real-life situation they are facing (a “hot seat”). In this session, he offers the insights he has gained from four decades of research, writing, consulting, and leading organizations toward success.

Whether they are the primary mentoring participant or participating as an observer, each team member will gain powerful insights to apply.

Facilitated Team Dialogue

Each session offers your team the opportunity to share and learn from each other’s wisdom, insights, and experiences in a facilitated to setting to promote maximum peer support and learning.

The sharing, dialogue, and sense of interpersonal support achieved through these discussions enhances each team member’s knowledge and performance, resulting in increased confidence and motivation.

One-on-One Strategy Session

Each team member is invited to schedule up to one one-on-one strategy session with Doc Roc over the course of the team coaching engagement to set goals, evaluate their strengths and development areas, and discuss action planning and skill development. The aim of this session is to offer each team member the information, skills, and confidence they need to tackle your challenges, make strategic choices, and get results that matter.

Your Name in Print

The capstone experience of the cohort is producing and publishing a collaborative article that shares your team’s insights and documents your collective learning and achievements.

Getting your team’s name and insights in print begins to create valuable thought leadership for you as a competent leader and your team who, together, have risen overcome your unique challenges.

Membership in the Company

Doc Roc runs several leadership development cohorts and events. When your receive team coaching, you also become a member in the Company, able to exchange wisdom, learning, advice, and insights with the broader community of leaders.

The Doc Roc Community consists of leaders spanning industries, organization sizes, and career stages. Membership in this active community gives you unparalleled access to this talented network of likeminded leaders. The value of this membership for your personal and professional development is simply priceless.

“Okay, I’m interested

…how do the meetings work?”

Team Coaching Engagement: 9 months (13 team coaching sessions) plus up to six one-on-one strategy sessions with Doc Roc

Meeting Duration: 75-minute sessions

Meeting Times: 12:00-1:15 pm ET

Months 1-2: To launch into our work together, we will meet twice each month to rapidly learn new frameworks, apply it to your own work, and receive real-time facilitated support from team members and Doc Roc.

Months 3-7: As your team increases its mastery, the focus turns more to doing the work in your own environment. We meet monthly to acquire new tools, discuss their application, and receive real-time facilitated support from team members and Doc Roc.

Months 8-9: As our time draws to a close, we will ramp up again to twice-a-month sessions to ensure your team finishes strong! We conclude our time together with a final closing celebration.

Over the duration of the team coaching engagement, each team member will be eligible for up to one one-on-one strategy session and one fishbowl mentoring session with Doc Roc.